The Wellness Committee meets the third Thursday of the month from 3:45-4:45 in the board meeting at the school. Anyone is welcome to join!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Planting Edible Landscape!

The Moose Lake Wellness Committee secured funding for planting "edible landscape" at the school. This ties in to multiple areas of our work plan. The produce will be able to be used in areas such as the school lunch, classroom snacks, smoothies, and the hydration station. Not only is the landscape edible, but it also beautifies the school's property--dual purposes!

Please join us in building the two raised beds and planting the fruit trees and bushes!

-June 10 (9am-12/1pm): build raised beds

-June 17 (9am-4pm): plant bushes, trees, and herbs (complementary lunch, provided by the SHIP Grant, for the 17th)